Psychology Oral Exam Study Strategies 101 (Part 1)

Monday, April 21st, 2014


Evelyn Jagpat O’Halloran, Psy.D.


Seems like the best advice I ever received from anyone about studying was quite simple and perhaps you have heard it as well, “Don’t study hard… Study smart!”   owl

This advice is most poignant when it comes to the Psychology Oral Exam.  Often, candidates feel lost about how to best prepare and seem to spend a considerable amount of time and energy using ineffective study methods.  This often results in them feeling overwhelmed,  exhausted and anxious.  What are the most common reasons candidates underperform or fail?  Simply, poor preparation and nerves.

Poor preparation most often relates to a non-targeted and inefficient study method which does not take into consideration what the real exam experience will be like and what it will be assessing.

Here a few pointers which you may find helpful in your Psychology Oral Exam preparation. (more…)