Posts Tagged ‘taking a proper perspective’

The Psychology Oral Exam Test Taking Strategies

Monday, December 2nd, 2013



The long and winding road....

The long and winding road….

Putting Things in Perspective

November 30, 2013

Evelyn Jagpat O’Halloran, Psy.D.


After the whirl-wind of graduate school, practicums, moving (for some across the country), internship, dissertation, post-doctoral training, demanding case loads, for many having to survive on little income, the EPPP and of course the many other events, changes and challenges of life, one can simply feel a bit exhausted.    If you are like most of the high achievers in our profession, you have likely not slowed down or invested much time in good self-care.  Therefore, for many, this final hurdle on the path to becoming a fully licensed psychologist may feel like having to cross the Great Wall of China hungry, weary and without shoes! (more…)